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2018 Michigan Rheumatism Society Annual Summer Conference

Register for the Michigan Rheumatism Society Summer Meeting today!

August  3-5

Shanty Creek Resort in beautiful Northern Michigan


You will not to miss this family-friendly event.  Topic highlights:

-Rheumatic Immune Related Adverse Events from Check Point Inhibitors

-Therapeutic Options for Knees OA

-Autoimmune Inflammatory Eye Disorders


-Nutrition and Inflammation

There will be opportunities to network with your colleagues and learn about new products in the Exhibition Hall. We will have a Scientific Exhibitions where you will be able to view scientific posters and have questions answered from the medical science teams of our pharmaceutical colleagues.  You are invited to attend our Welcome Reception/Dinner on Friday evening and family dinner on the Lakeview Hotel grounds on Saturday night.

Click here for more information and the registration form.

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