Health Can’t Wait: Patients, Providers and Physicians Praise Lawmakers for Positive Step toward Ending Dangerous Delays in Accessing Health Care.

The following is a public statement from the Health Can’t Wait coalition in response to the Senate Health Policy and Human Services Committee’s action on Senate Bill 612—legislation that reforms prior authorization and step therapy protocols.

“Patients throughout Michigan are one step closer to the timely care and treatment they need and deserve thanks to today’s action on Senate Bill 612 by the state Senate Health Policy and Human Services Committee. On behalf of Michigan’s patient, physicians and provider community, we’d like to thank Chairman VanderWall and the rest of the committee for moving this bill forward. We’re now that much closer to ending the devastating and dangerous delays caused by insurance companies’ prior authorization and step therapy roadblocks. Delays which Michigan patients experience far too often in accessing critical health care, medication, and treatment. Michigan patients deserve better from our health care system, and we believe Senate Bill 612 delivers much needed reforms—it’s exciting to see a critical group of lawmakers agree.”

Here is the news release link

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